[T]his may not be the real reason for the majority of writers to be in favor of the deal. Royalty rates often don’t come into play for authors, because publishing houses typically pay advances against royalties, and most authors never make back their advances—perhaps eighty per cent do not, [he] estimates, based on his conversations with agents. In other words, authors tend to make their money from advances against royalties, not from sales themselves.
Catherine Mintz
Catherine Mintz Websites
Origami Unicorn, news, reviews, essays; Catherine Mintz, a commentary on things of interest. Origami Unicorn is copyright 2006-24. Catherine Mintz is copyright 2006-24.
Amazon & Hachette: What Happened
2014.11.14 in Bookselling, Commentary, Digital, News, Writing | Permalink
Tags: Amazon, Hachette, royalties, where the money is, where the money will be, writers
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