Wylie has taken an even more aggressive stance about payments for digital rights. Publishers, and particularly Random House, look askance at the news. The Bookseller.com reports.
In a glimpse of what Amazon probably wishes were the case in the US, Amazon will set prices for ebooks sold to the Kindle in the UK. The Bookseller.com reports.
One thing you can say about the ongoing sound and fury about Odyssey Editions, is that it has served to make many interested parties state their positions on the wider issues. The latest is the Authors Guild, which approves of more money for authors and is not happy about Amazon getting a special deal. Publishers Weekly reports.
Penguin Group chairman Makinson points out that the number of books involved in the ongoing dispute is small and they are not recently published. Publishers Weekly reports.
Andrew Wylie has launched ebook versions of some of his clients' works exclusively for Kindle. The Bookseller.com has the story. Interesting, in view of authors' who have tried similar tactics.
The publishers are now backing Amazon's claim that ebooks are outselling hardbound ones by a substantial margin. Publishers Weekly reports. Given Amazon commands a substantial share of the ebook market and the figures include all devices, not just Kindle, that's a lot of books. However, devices like the iPad place all forms of media in direct competition and/or synergy. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.
Origami Unicorn, news, reviews, essays; Catherine Mintz, a commentary on things of interest. Origami Unicorn is copyright 2006-24. Catherine Mintz is copyright 2006-24.
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