The executive director of PMA, the Independent Book Publishers Association, Terry Nathan said the Amazon's new policy regarding BookSurge, “imposes a significant financial burden on tens of thousands of small and independent publishers who can least afford it. Without the opportunity to benefit from competitive pricing, small publishers risk at best an expensive and needless overhaul of their manufacturing process, and at worst, the loss of their livelihood.” He stated the POD action makes the marketplace a “members only club to the detriment of those very publishers that have contributed to Amazon’s success.”
Catherine Mintz
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PMA Speaks Up
The executive director of PMA, the Independent Book Publishers Association, Terry Nathan said the Amazon's new policy regarding BookSurge, “imposes a significant financial burden on tens of thousands of small and independent publishers who can least afford it. Without the opportunity to benefit from competitive pricing, small publishers risk at best an expensive and needless overhaul of their manufacturing process, and at worst, the loss of their livelihood.” He stated the POD action makes the marketplace a “members only club to the detriment of those very publishers that have contributed to Amazon’s success.”
2008.04.03 in Commentary, News, Publishing | Permalink
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